Impulse Reverb Mono

Impulsnachhall Mono

Detailed: LSP Impulse Reverb Mono (INH1M)


Categories: Reverb

Developer: Vladimir Sadovnikov


This plugin performs highly optimized real time zero-latency convolution to the input signal. It can be used as a cabinet emulator, some sort of equalizer or as a reverb simulation plugin. All what is needed is audio file(s) with impulse response taken from the linear system (cabinet, equalizer or hall/room).

Unlike the Impulsantworten (Impulse Responses) plugin series, up to four input files and convolution processors can be used to implement and mix different kinds of reverberations.


'Impulse response' section:

'Processors' section:

'Output' section:

'Wet Signal Equalization' section - visible only when IR equalizer parameter is turned on: